Personal Information

 Associate Professor

Department of  History

Faculty of Arts & Humanities

Contact Information

Phone: 6952000 Ext. 63427


Amani Jafar saleh ALghazi

 Associate Professor


Demonstrator King Abdulaziz University College of Arts and Human Sciences Department of History
Received master's in modern history from the University College of Sharia, or Islamic villages appreciated excellent.
Ph.D., University study phase UmAlQura


  • 1998

    Bachelor degree from Histtory DeportmentFaculty of arts&hamanities, king abdulaziz university, جدة, المملكة العربية السعودية

  • 2004

    Master degree from Graduate historical and civiliFaculty of Islamic Sharia, Um AlQura university, مكة المكرمة, المملكة العربية السعودية


  • 2004-2007

    Demonstrator cooperating hourly, King Abdulaziz University, جدة, المملكة العربية السعودية

Research Interests

Interest in Ottoman history in general and especially the writings of Orientalists and their discovery of lies and plots that have been made against them and distorted the Ottoman history.
Attention to the issue of freedom of Ottoman and figures

Scientific interests

Interest in Ottoman history in general and especially the writings of Orientalists and their discovery of lies and plots that have been made against them and distorted the Ottoman history.
Attention to the issue of freedom of Ottoman and figures


The movement of Orientalism 335 HIST
The history of the Ottoman Empire 341 HIST
Contemporary history of the Kingdom 446 HIST
History of the Arabian Peninsula 373 HIST
Renaissance 436 HIST
Modern Arabian Orient 342 HIST
Contemporary Arabian Orient 444 HIST
Modern and Contemporary Europe 453 HIST
Yemen and the Horn of Africa 448 HIST

Areas of expertise